+ Does Lotus Wellness Counseling take insurance?

Yes! Lotus Wellness Counseling currently accepts Cigna PPO, Aetna PPO, BCBS/Anthem and United Health Care.

+ What if Lotus Wellness Counseling does not accept my insurance?

As Lotus Wellness Counseling is working on getting credentialed with certain insurances, there might also be insurances that we are not in-network with. In this case, we would provide services to you as a self-pay case. Once a month, Lotus Wellness Counseling would provide you a “Super Bill” which you would submit to your own insurance company and would get reimbursed through them.

+ Are reduced priced sessions available at Lotus Wellness Counseling?

At Lotus Wellness Counseling, we offer self-pay sessions for $150 per 55-minute session. There are limited spots available for a sliding scale based on income. Contact us for more information regarding a sliding scale.

+ Does Lotus Wellness Counseling check my Mental Health benefits to identify my co-pay?

It is not guaranteed that Lotus Wellness Counseling will check your mental health benefits. We strongly encourage you to call the number that is located on the back of your insurance card and ask about “behavioral health benefits”. You might have to meet a deductible before sessions are covered. If you do not have deductible, or have already met your deductible, ask the representee what your copay or financial responsibility will be per session.

+ How long are sessions with a clinican?

A typical therapy session lasts between 50-55 minutes. If a client requests a session beyond 55 minutes, those will need to be scheduled ahead of our session and are limited to self-pay options. Rates to be decided once a time has been determined.

+ How many sessions do I need?

Healing is not a linear process. I do not provide estimates of how many sessions are needed in our work together. Each individual's experience in therapy is different. I am able to continue working with you and your insurance to insure that you receive the care you need.

+ What is the cancellation policy?

Lotus Wellness Counseling requires a 24-hour notice of cancellation via email if you are unable to make our scheduled appointment time. Once scheduled, the hour is blocked off just for you. Notifying Lotus Wellness Counseling regarding a cancellation in this time frame is crucial so that we are able to serve everyone and meet their needs. There is a charge if the client does not show up or if they cancel less than 24 hours prior to appointment time.

+ Does Lotus Wellness Counseling provide complimentary consulations?

At Lotus Wellness Counseling depending on the case, a complimentary 15 minute consulation might be conducted to assure that the clincian and client are a good fit for each other. Please email us on the "Contact Us" form if you are interested in a consultation.

*If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us via our “Contact Us” page on the top of the page.