Men, This Ones for You…

Therapy is for everyone-not only females.  Therapy can be beneficial for everyone as you have a different perspective and conversation with a trained individual.  Making the first step is important and allowing yourself to go through the process is important.

The biggest thing of getting individuals, including men to seek therapy is to normalize therapy and break the societal stigma of therapy. Therapy is something that we at Lotus Wellness Counseling feel like can be beneficial to anyone, no matter what age, race, gender, sexuality, etc.  Some ways to do this is to:

1. Normalize mental health conversations

2. Educate about therapy

3. Highlight positive outcome

4. Address concerns and fears

5. Promote male-friendly therapist

6. Offer alternatives

7. Empathize self-care.

8. Lead by example

9. Provide resources

10. Create supportive environment

Men often feel that if they go to therapy, then that is a sign of weakness.  Men think that therapy is a sign of weakness and do not want to confront and work through emotional issues.  In addition, emotional expression in which males feel like discussing emotions is not within the traditional masculine norms.  Stereotypes also play a big role in which individuals think that only if you have  mental illness should you go to therapy. 

Therapy benefits men with children with parenting skills-it is helpful for fathers to improve their parenting strategies and improve communication.  Emotional support for their children and allowing all to process their feelings and manage stress.  Along with this, role modeling is hugely beneficial to show their children that therapy is healthy.  A big thing is personal growth.  Therapy encourages self-reflection and personal growth, allowing men to identify and work through any obstacles.

Male clients come to therapy with a variety of concerns, including substance abuse, mental health concerns, relationship dynamics, work stress, grief and loss, identity and self esteem, anger management.  Men come to therapy just like any other individual.


Understanding Mental Health: A Vital Aspect of Overall Well-being